Charging Stations and Route Mapping

Various mapping tools and resources can assist EV owners in navigating and planning road trips, helping you to plan your next adventure!

Cost Calculators

These tools can help consumers determine the estimate costs of fueling, ownership, and overall cost analysis to help you find the best EV for your budget

EV Impacts

These tools allow you to see the impacts of your vehicle and driving choices to help you understand and assess emissions and impacts of transitioning. 

Alternative Fueling Resources

Alternative Fuel Station Locator

Find alternative fueling stations in the United States and Canada. For U.S. stations, see  data by state. For Canadian stations in French, see  Natural Resources Canada.


The ATRAVEL Tool was developed to estimate costs, travel time, and emissions of private vehicle ownership and other travel modes based on your location and travel patterns.

Private vehicle ownership provides us with significant benefits, allowing us to get to the places we want to go. However, vehicle ownership is typically a household’s second-largest expenditure, while annually the average driver spends more than 300 hours in their vehicle and of that time about 100 hours in congestion and 17 hours looking for parking. In addition, automobiles are a significant contributor to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

Vehicle and Ownership Cost Tools

Vehicle Cost Calculator

This tool uses basic information about your driving habits to calculate total cost of ownership and emissions for makes and models of most vehicles, including alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles. Also see the cost calculator widgets.

Alternative Fuel and Advanced Vehicle Search

Find and compare alternative fuel vehicles, engines, and hybrid/conversion systems. Some of the light-duty vehicles may count toward vehicle-acquisition requirements for federal fleets or state and alternative fuel provider fleets regulated by the Energy Policy Act.

Tax Incentives has developed a new tool through the’s Tax Center to help consumers shop for clean vehicles eligible for these tax credits and help car buyers navigate the requirements. The website provides a simple calculator to help buyers determine the credit for pre-owned vehicles, provides information on claiming each of the credits, and answers frequently asked consumer questions.


The Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator translates abstract energy and emissions data into concrete terms you can understand, such as annual emission from cars, households, or power plants. Interested users can embed this widget on their own webpages. After entering data into the Calculator widget, users will be routed back to our EPA site to view the equivalencies generated.

Zero-Emission Technology Inventory

An interactive online resource to establish a current and shared knowledge base for worldwide commercially available offerings of zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicles (MHDVs)

Estimate Electric Car Savings

Be informed and see the savings!

*Averaged Savings

Drive Electric Utah is run by Utah Clean Cities Coalition. Utah Clean Cities is a part of the U.S. Department of Energy Clean Cities Network, which focuses on reducing the use of fossil fuels and increasing energy independence in the United States. To learn more about Utah Clean Cities mission and work please visit